How to Choose an Orthodontist

A Dream Come True

This year marks 50 years since I realized a long held dream, to become an Orthodontist, my life-career goal since I was 14. With a great deal of hard work, and more than a little bit of luck, and the wonderful support of a loving family, I began my Orthodontic journey in August of 1970.


Covid-19 and our response at Fort Washington Orthodontics

“May you live in interesting times,” (the venerable Irish curse). And don’t we, though?

It is for good reason that they call it the ‘Novel’ SARS Coronavirus. Dealing with this novel pathogen has been a challenge. We got off to a slow start in particular because we knew so little about the behavior of this unique virus. It does not exactly fit the behavior of previous Coronaviruses, so we have to depend on new behavioral models. And as we all know about computer models, garbage in, garbage out. As the point of origin country was slow to release preliminary data, has not adequately shared ongoing experiential data, and has abrogated contractual supply chain Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) obligations, our understanding of the virus’ behavior and our means of dealing with it has been delayed from the start.

